Modesto Technical School (MTS) at MJC

MTS is a program for Elliott Seniors with good grades that are starting their senior year with more than 100 credits, great attendance, and have good conduct. To be considered for the program a request must be completed during the student’s Junior year. A committee reviews applicants during quarter four of their Junior year. Enrollment begins August of their Senior year. A commitment from the student for a full years, two semesters of MJC enrollment, is required.
MTS is a great fit for students who are looking at the possibility of continuing their education in a Junior College or trade school setting.
Students attend their high school class. Transportation is provided. During their first semester they must successfully complete the MJC guidance requirement in a closed to the public course. MJC’s class is scheduled once or twice a week is scheduled during their High School hours. MTS’ second semester will be a course in the career of college path and is an open to the public course. Both courses fulfill AA, AS and/or transfer requirements.
Second semester of attendance students have a choice of open courses and must be enrolled in at least one course to remain in the program. Elliott has a contract with MJC via the CTE programs* that includes all fees and use of the classroom on MJCs west campus.
Students must be able to complete their MJC course(s) with a 'C' or better.
For more information, contact Amanda Woods at (209) 492-6982 or