Elliott Alternative Continuation Center
The Continuation Program at Elliott is a high school program for students between the ages of 16 and 18 who are deemed at-risk of not completing their education. Students are placed in the program through referrals from comprehensive sites. They are students who, for a variety of reasons, have not been successful in the traditional structure of the comprehensive high school site, or in special cases, need flexible scheduling due to employment, family obligations, and/or other critical needs. Referrals may be voluntary or involuntary. A student can graduate from Elliott Continuation with a high school diploma when he/she has earned 200 credits, and meets all course requirements.
Other Programs/Services include:
Extended Summer School (ESS)
Career Technician Navigation
Modesto Engineering Industry Technology (MEIT)
Modesto Technical School
Phast Club
Student Assistant Specialist (SAS)
Work Experience